Abstrak  Kembali
This research investigated young learners’ perception toward the use of performance based assessment in learning English. To reach this aim, the data collected through questionnaires, focus group discussion, and obsevation of 20 young learners at Smart School Al-Haamidiyah were analized thematically. By applying qualitative approach with case study design, this research figured out 88% of young learners gave positive perception and 12% of them stated negative perception on performance-based assessment. Next, this research also revealed that young learners perceived that preparation, personal problem, self-confidence, language ability, and time allotment as the challenges faced by the students on performance based assessment. In addition, young learners addressed both positive and negative perception toward stresfull condition facing challenges of performance-based assessment. The last, 94% of young learners perceive positively and 6% of them perceive negatively toward effect of performance-based assessment on students’ speaking.