The aims of this research are to classify the types of deixis that used by English
teachers, to know the teachers’ perspective about deixis, and teachers’ perspective about language awareness in teaching. This research used a descriptive qualitative method. The object of this research were 10 English teachers in SMA Negeri 5 Bandar Lampung. The researcher used observation and open-ended questionnaire as a data collecting techniques. After collecting the data, the observation data were analyzed through some stages, they are; transcribing the recorded data into written data, giving codes each datum based on the types of deixis, and interpreting them to answer the research question. While, the data of the openended questionnaire were transcribed, coded and analyzed descriptively based on the answer of the participants. The result of this research showed that the total of deixis used by English teacher of SMA Negeri 5 Bandar Lampung were 140 words. First, the researcher found that person deixis was the most frequently used by English teachers while they were teaching in the classroom which occurred 82 times. Teachers used this type of deixis when they point the person who is talked. Second, the discourse was used to indicate some part in the teacher utterance which uttered 28 times. Third, place deixis was used to point the location of some instructions which spoke 16 times. Fourth, time deixis was used to give the students information about the time which uttered 10 times. Last, social deixis was used to point the social status of the students which spoke 3 times. While, the researcher found from the teachers’ perception about deixis, deixis is a word or phrases which point to the time, place, or person based on the context of utterances. The teachers often use deixis in teaching and learning process, and personal deixis was the
types of deixis which were very familiar for the teacher. The teachers also stated that it was important to study about deixis to prevent misunderstanding between teacher and learners or learner to other learners because both know well what is being talked and the reference of the utterances itself. The researcher also found that the teachers of SMA Negeri 5 Bandar Lampung were aware in using deixis but they were not notice in the implementation because they only focused with the materials, they were not familiar with deixis, and deixis was uttered naturally without any plan. On the teachers’ perception, language awareness it could help
them to develop the communication into the better one because it gave the opportunity for the teacher to deliver the material in the class clearly and systematically, to be autonomous teachers, and helped the students’ in acquiring a language.