Abstrak  Kembali
The object of this study was to investigate the effect of song and story-telling on students’ mastering English vocabulary. Those medias were used in this research to know which media was more effective to improve students’ English vocabulary. The research was conducted at Roudhotun Nur Islamic Elementary School Plus which is located at Cikupa Tangerang from July to November 2016. The writer took the fourth grade students as his research participant consisted of 60 students and divide into two classes. Class A is 30 students as class experiment (X1) and class B is 30 students as class control (X2). The method of this research was quasi experiment. The data were analyzed by t-test Based on the results of the data analysis, the conclusions could be drawn: there was significant difference of student’s vocabulary mastery that were taught using song and using Story-telling. It was supported by the result of experiment class mean 79,83, median 80,83, modus 81, 83, standard deviation 7,03 while the result of control control mean 69.50, median 74, 25, modus, 71,5 and standard deviation 7,21. Based on t-test show t counting= 5,620 and t table =2,002 with significance 5% or (∝= 0,05) and dk=58 that it is meant t counting > t table (5,620 > 2,002) and Ho is rejected and H1 is accepted In the short, teaching using song on students mastering English vocabulary is more effective than using story-telling. Although students were shy, they still were good participant. Students not only get high score but also have good behavior to the lesson. While using story-telling some of students were shy to perform in the class. Therefore, it suggested for using various medias that provided interesting activities for students to have more opportunities to use their English vocabulary.