Abstrak  Kembali
This research is aimed to know the comparison between glossary and translation tool to enhance students’ reading comprehension ability. The hypothesizes are: (1) whether the use of glossary in teaching narrative can enhance students’ reading comprehension ability? (2) whether the use of translation tool in teaching narrative can enhance students’ reading comprehension ability? (3) Is there any difference between the use glossary and translation tool in teaching narrative to enhance students’ reading comprehension ability? This research is quantitative research using description method and anova analysis approach. This research was conducted at SMA Negeri 92 North Jakarta Tanjung Priok district North Jakarta Administration with 75 samples of students divided into three study groups by random sampling technique. Technique of collecting data uses testing instruments that are pretest and posttest. Pretest is a test conducted before the researcher gives treatments to experiment and control classes whereas posttest is a test conducted after the researcher gives treatments to the experiment and control classes. The instruments are also tested validity and reliability tests. Requirements for data analysis are tested normality (Lilliefors) and by homogeneity test of variance. Data analysis use t-test test and finally by using anova analysis.