The main objective of this study is todescribetheimplementationofStudent Teams-
Achievement Divisions (STAD) techniquein improving students’ reading
comprehension such as the contribution of the technique in reading
comprehension, reading comprehension improvement, and the students’
responsestoward the implementation of STAD techniquein teaching reading
comprehension among the eight grade students of SMPBhara-Trikora Jakarta in
2017/2018 academicyear. This study is a classroom action research that was done
in three cycles. The participant of this study was 17 students. The data collection
was done using observation, test, and questionnaire. The data from the
observation that had been taken from every cycle analyzed descriptively while the
data from test were analyzed quantitatively.
The result of this study shows that teaching and learning process used Student
Teams-Achievement Divisions (STAD)technique issuccessful, and it can improve
students’ reading skill. It is supported also by the qualitative and quantitative data
which show that (1) implementing Student Teams-Achievement Divisions
(STAD) technique not only made students understand the material of narrative
text, but also motivated andenthusiastic while following the teaching and learning
process, (2)the students’ responses toward the implementation of STAD technique
in teaching reading were positive, (3) the students’ test score was increasing in
every cycle. In the first cycle, the students’ average score was 70.3, increase to
75.0 in the second cycle, and reach81.5 in the third cycle.Based on these findings,
it is recommended that STAD technique can be implemented in teaching reading
comprehension to improve students’ reading comprehension.