This study is a classroom research which is aimed at finding out to what extent the
using of Google Classroom influence to improve students’ reading
comprehension, the students respond to the use of Google Classroom in reading
class, and the problems encountered by the teacher when implementing Google
Classroom in reading class. This research applied at MAN 4 Jakarta with 27
students as sample and 5 teachers as collaborator. The methodology of this
research is classroom action research which divided into three cycles where the
following activities conducted in each stage of the classroom action research are
planning, acting, observing, and reflecting. To collect the data of each cycle, the
researcher applied test, questionnaire, interview, observation, and documentation.
The result of this study of each cycle was the Cycle I (64.66), Cycle II (76.96) and
Cycle III (76.29). The mean score in cycle III was decrease than the mean score in
Cycle II, but the maximum score in cycle III was higher than the cycle II. Based
on the result of students’ interview, some of them preferred to use Google
classroom than learn in the classroom, yet the English teachers as collaborator
also supported the using of Google classroom as a media in teaching and learning
process. As their respond in questionnaire items, they said using technology in
teaching is important to use. Using Google Classroom is a new one for students,
but, over time, if the students are often using it, they will love it because Google
classroom offers the several reading texts; they can search them wherever and
whenever they want. Also they may access the Google classroom by using their
own smartphone while connected to the internet.The implementation of Google
classroom in reading class was not only make the teaching and learning process
became an interesting one, but that technology is the most appropriate tools and
compatible device to help teacher in teaching and learning process. The
technology can support learning process very effective and efficiency as their
partner tools while learning in classroom and out of classroom. The beneficial
using technology makes the teaching learning process more simply and interesting
to the students.