This study was employed to investigate students’ test anxiety level on the online
and paper-based reading test. The research design in this study used mix method with a case study as the approach. The data were collected from two different sources, those are; questionnaires and interviews. The researcher used Wetside Test Anxiety Scale (WTAS) which was provided by Driscoll to measure students’ test anxiety level in online and paper-based test. Semi-structure interview was conducted to get the deeper information of students’ test anxiety experience in taking online and paper-based test. The participants of this study were 35 8H class students of SMPN 2 Banjarnegara. The findings of this study showed that the students’ test anxiety level in taking online test was higher than the paper-based test. Yet, there was no significant difference of test anxiety level when the students took the online and paper-based test. The main factors might influence why the students experienced high test anxiety level based on this study were the unfamiliar medium of online test, internet connection, and the fear for the using of stationery in paper-based test.