Abstrak  Kembali
Writing skill has an important role in people’s life. It is also very important in education in order to ease students to think critically and systematically. Writing skill is as students’ ability to express their ideas, thought, science and knowledge, and also students’ experiences happened in their life which is expressed in a form of written language. To master the skills involved in writing are highly complex. In writing activity, students need to use their skill in using vocabularies and language structure. That is why some students often meet difficulties in their writing. This study is aimed to enhance student’s writing ability in recount text by applying Cooperative Integrated Reading and Composition (CIRC) combined with the use of computer based learning. The main research question is can the applying of CIRC Learning Technique improve student’s writing ability in recount text? To answer the question, the writer conducted a Classroom Action Research with three cycles. Every cycle has three meetings and in the last meeting of each cycle , the students received posttest to know their improvement in their writing ability. The criteria of success was determined if 75 % from the students could achieve score above 70 or above the minimum criteria. The result of cycle 1 showed that from 36 students, there were 2 of them or 5.55 % achieved very good score, 22 of them or 47, 22 % achieved good score, and 12 students or 33.33 % achieved score under standard criteria. The result of cycle 2 showed that there were 3 students or 8.33 % got very good score, 24 of them or 66.67 % got good score, and 9 of them or 25 % got bad and very bad score. While in cycle 3, there were 9 of them or 25 % could achieved very good score, 24 of them or 66.66 % achieved good score, and only 3 of them or 8.33 % had bad score under KKM. Based on the data analysis of cycle 1, the average score of student’s writing recount text was 74.05, the percentage of student’s improvement in writing score was 5. 88 %, and the percentage of students who passed KKM score is 66.67 %. While in cycle 2, the average score of student’s writing in posttest was 76.03. The percentage of student’s improvement in writing score was 3.57 %, and the percentage of student’s score who could pass the minimum criteria was 75 %. In cycle 3, the average score of student’s writing in posttest was 79.19, and the percentage of students who could pass KKM score in posttest 3 was 91.6 %. Based on the data analysis above, it can be concluded that there were significance improvements from cycle 1 to cycle 3. It also means that the classroom action research has been successful.