Abstrak  Kembali
The objectives of this study were to analyze the development of language acquisition for conjoined- clauses in speaking of an Indonesian child who got exposures from English cartoon films and opportunities to practice with his linguistic environment. This research was qualitative research and it was longitudinal study where the data were collected for twelve months ( April 2016 – March 2017) by recording his spontaneous speech and his films story when the subject was 4.10 until 5,9 years old. The data were transcribed then analyzed to see the development of his English syntactic constructions of conjoined-clause. The finding of the research showed that the process of language acquisition of the subject closely followed the universal principles of language acquisition even though there is a very few differences for the order of the acquisition for conjoined – clauses. By giving exposure of English cartoon film everyday for three to five hours and opportunities to practice with his linguistic environment, the acquisition of foreign language learner can be similar to first or second language learner. The results of this study are expected to give both theoretical and practical benefits. The theoritical benefits are expected to support the existing theory of foreign language acquisition through exposure. In addition; the practical benefits can give contribution for the teachers to use the exposure to make the students more easy to acquire the English as foreign language. As the result; the students will be encouraged to be autonomous learner through a favorable cartoon film as their exposures.