Abstrak  Kembali
This research is aimed to explore the implementation of Product-Process based Approach (PPBA) in teaching and learning writing, the obstacles that students face in writing argumentative essay, and the benefits of Product-Process based Approach. This was qualitative research. This research was conducted at Pamulang University, Banten Province, from December 2015 to January 2016. It involved 22 students; consist of 12 males and 10 females at the fifth semester of English Department. The researcher used several instruments to support the data such as observation, document, interview and retrospect. The result of the research revealed that first, PPBA is helpful and all students responded to this approach positively and enthusiastically. Besides, the ability to write thesis statements, arguments and counterarguments was increased. Second, the students were difficult to make thesis statement, arguments and counter arguments before PPBA was implemented. Third, PPBA had given many benefits for students: a) PPBA helps the students to to write better; b) PPBA helps the students to see some mistakes that cannot be seen by them through peer’s revising and editing; c) PPBA makes the students knowing all of the writing process; d) PPBA makes the students know how to use transition signals appropriately; and e) PPBA makes the students better in writing thesis statements, arguments and counterarguments.