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Fety Diana Sari, Using Critical Notes to Enhance Students’ Critical Reading at Senior High School 3 Jakarta Grade twelve. Thesis. English Education Department, Graduate School of University of Muhammadiyah Prof. DR. HAMKA. August 2017.There are two objectives of this study. First, this study aims to explore the use of critical notes to enhance students’ critical reading. Second, how teacher promotes teaching critical reading to students by using critical notes. These are because teaching critical readings are less trained and assessed well in school. In order to explore these two objectives, the method used is qualitative approach. The researcher collected the data using students’ field note, teacher field note, observation, documentation, and critical reading test (critical note). The data were then analyzed in order to assure the findings. The findings revealed that overall students achievement in critical reading improved by assessing them with five items of critical reading such as; purpose, concept, denotation, connotation, assumption, and interpretation. The teaching classroom was following CAR (Classroom Action Research) procedures; planning, action, observation, and reflection. Through combining several activities such as; debate, discussion, jigsaw, PBL (Problem Based Learning) encourage student to think analytically and critically. Based on the findings, there were some recommendations provided for teachers. The researcher suggests to teacher to promote critical reading for students as effective way to boost their cognitive strategies in reading. Thus, teaching critical reading which is important for student to be creative and knowledgeable, yet it takes long time to evaluate it. It is also recommended that there should be more research about the use of critical note to enhance students’ critical reading, and other language skills.