This research was conducted to find out the Indonesian EFL pre-service teacher perception and acceptance in using technology during a teaching practice at University Of Ibn Khaldun - Bogor. This research was used Mix method research and case study approach. The research was used Questionnaire and Interview as the instruments of the research. Sixty Indonesian EFL pre-service teachers were participated as participants in this research. This research discovered that Indonesian EFL pre-service teachers have positive perception and positive acceptance in using technology during a teaching practice. Beside Enough of content knowledge and pedagogical knowledge prior a teaching practice impacted to the EFL pre-service attitude toward integrating technology and also well enough facilities provide in schools areas which was gave them opportunities to utilize the technology during their teaching practicum, but also the usefulness of technology and the ease of use technology help EFL pre-service teachers and students in learning and teaching become more effective, efficient, innovative, and communicative.
In conclusion, the variables mentioned in paragraph 2 above had positive effect to the Indonesian EFL pre-service teachers perception and acceptance in the use of the technology during a teaching practicum.