Abstrak  Kembali
Writing is one of the four language skills which is not easy and needs more mastery to express feelings and thought in doing the activity. Concerning about the students’ problems and since most of the students in MA Al jauharotun Naqiyyah Cibeber- Cilegon are reluctant to write in English, the aim of the research is to find a teaching method which motivate students in writing and improve English. The researcher assigned students to write a narrative essay to figure out the particular problems in the class. As a result, the researcher found most of the students can express better idea through writing but poor in vocabulary, sentences and paragragraph construction Therefore, the researcher tried to give motivation to 16 selected students by creating an activity which motivate students to learn English especially in writing. Researcher chose writing skill through telecollaboration because for some students, especially students of MA Al jauharotun Naqiyyah, like to play gadget, and most of the students need some time to think to understand the lesson being discussed, to learn and produce language slower than others. And writing is suitable to students for such learners. The main reasons why the researcher chose telecollaboration were because based on some previous research telecollaboration can increase students motivation and be meaningful to students’ future real life. It also can be applied on facebook or whats app. In this research the use of telecollaboration activities can improve students’ writing. The students were motivated in writing through telecollaboration since the students could post the writing texts on facebook and got some feedback or comments.