Abstrak  Kembali
This thesis aims to describe the implementation of Reciprocal Teaching to improve students’ reading comprehension, to find out the improvement of students’ reading comprehension and to investigate the strengths and shortcoming of using reciprocal teaching in teaching Reading Comprehension among the ten grade students of SMA Pasundan 1 Bandung in 2016-2017 academic year. The research was action research in three research cycles. In the study, the writer collaborated with an English teacher as the observer and the students. The data of this research were qualitative in nature supported by quantitative data. Qualitative data were obtained from the results of classroom observation and interviews. Quantitative data were obtained from pre-test and post test results. The instruments for collecting the data were observation guides, interview guides, and the pre-test and post-test. The data were in the form of field notes, interview transcripts, and the scores of the students’ pre-test and post-test. The result of the three cycles show that teaching and learning process used reciprocal teaching is successful, it can improve student ability in reading comprehension. It is supported also by the qualitative and quantitative data which show that (1) Implementing reciprocal teaching made students enthusiastic to follow the learning, active discussion, questioning, and smart students can associate with other students. (2) Reciprocal teaching which consist of four strategies, they are predicting, questioning, clarifying and summarizing could help the students to preview the text and assess their own comprehension by recording all the process of reading. (3) There were the shortcomings and strengths of implementing reciprocal teaching. From the results above, it can be concluded that the use of reciprocal teaching can improve students’ reading comprehension.