Abstrak  Kembali
This study aimed to investigate or to identify the culture of English learning in vocational school SMKN 2 Garut, perticularly the school policy about English learning in this school, the implementation of it’s policy, and the student respons regarding the school policy and the implementation of English learning. In this study the researcher used a qualitative research method with case study approach. The paradigm of this research is naturalistic qualitative, in term of showing that the activity of this research was done naturally, the way it was, in normal situation that could not be manipulated, and emphasized to the natural description. The study finds that the school policy with regard to learning English in SMKN2 Garut is in harmony with the ministry of education policy, especially concerning curriculum that apply. Besides that the implementation of learning English language in SMKN2 Garut school in line with the PMNRI NO 41 on the standard process of basic and secondary education. However, the teachers who teach in this school use the language of instruction with a mixed language, do not use English in total. Then with regard to the curriculum that is used, it is considered good, only this curriculum less presenting the material of dialogue that is needed by vocational students. In relation to the third research questions, the researcher found that the students’ responses to the policy and the implementation of English learning are relatively unfavorable. In addition to that, their motivation is also generally lacking in learning English, although they claim that they want to speak English, but all English teachers acknowledge their difficulties in developing children’s motivation in learning English.