Abstrak  Kembali
This research reports the developing of creative art activities through coloring and drawing. The research conducted at third grade of SDN Bintara IV in Bekasi City for the total 32 students as the research subjects. The researcher conducted this study with Ms Nurul Komariah, S.Pd as an observer, She is an English teacher who usually teaches in this class. This research employed a qualitative approach and the method of the research is action research. The researcher collected all of the data by observing the learning process with the classroom teacher, making field notes, conducting test (pretest and posttest) and interviewing the students’ responds. Besides using the technique of interview, the researcher also used open and close questioner. An interview was conducted through the non-formal situation. It means that the interview was conducted while the students were studying. To address the first research question which stated in Chapter 1, categorized, presented, and interpreted from the classroom observation in cycle I, II, and III. The result of the test was 62,75 as the average score of pre-test. At the first cycle was 66 in average. At the second cycle, the average score was 68. And at the third cycle was 75,25 as the average score. From the observation of the students’ activities during the whole learning process in the classroom, the researcher concluded that their memorizing vocabulary ability improved after using the combination of creative art activities. To address the second research question, the researcher interviewed the students after each cycle done. The research found that there were11 students did not like English. They said that English is difficult, so they did not understand about English. After conducting coloring and drawing activities, there were 5 students from 11 students who like coloring and drawing. It means that there were 26 students (90%) who enjoyed with these techniques. Other findings mentioned that most of the students prefer to use color pencil than crayon when coloring activities. They said that using color pencil is easier. It also is tidier than using crayon. Their hands or fingers were dirtier when using crayon but color pencil was not.