Abstrak  Kembali
This thesis aimed to investigate EFL young learner’s vocabulary mastery through Immersion technique, and to know the way the young learner acquires English language and to explore the development of his English vocabulary. The participant of this thesis was Mumtaz Adzaky Putra JM that is a toddler in acquiring his first language and English language stage. The place of this research was in Ciledug Tangerang at house of participant. The time was divided into two studies, those were preliminary study and main study. Preliminary study was on June 2015 till November 2015 and the main study where the implementation of Immersion technique begun to use on November 2015 to April 2016. The instrument that the researcher used in this reserarch were observation, field note and documentation. Observation was done to observe young learner activity and vocabulary that he produced. By doing observation the researcher knew the sound and word development. Field note was done to write the English vocabulary produced, the way of pronounced and the meaning of his production. Besides that, it used to analyze correct and incorrect sound. The last instrument was documentation; audio and video recorder, the researcher used documentation to record the progressing so that it would be easy to analyze after collecting the data. The result of this thesis showed that the young learner who lived in unsupportive family and environment of English speaker only produce word per word of English, and he was being passive speaker. In order that, he knew what the researcher said, but he responded by answering one main word or doing the instruction of researcher. Immersion technique was more effective to the young learner because he knew when he used the word that he got. On the other hand, his first language influenced English acquisition. Means that, when he got new English vocabulary, he interpreted into his first language perception. The suggestion to teacher is try to be consistent in teaching English to young leaner.it is not only teaching them vocabulary by using song, picture or game in the class, but try to communicate them by using English for daily activity inside or outside classroom. To the parents please facilitate the young learner more consistent by playing English simple music, watching English version cartoon and interact them using English even the parents is not master English.