Abstrak  Kembali
This study is intended to implement community language learning method to teach speaking for students at SMP-IT Al Binaa IBS Bekasi. Lacking of English experience made the learners unable to speak English. The researcher did the study at SMP-IT Al Binaa IBS Bekasi. The place was chosen because the researcher wanted to find out the effectiveness and the process of community language learning implementation to improve students’ speaking ability. The research was qualitative and quantitative by nature. It was focused on the implementation of community language learning in teaching speaking and the learning process in the classroom. The instruments used were interview, observation and documents. The observations were done in Telling Story class with 26 students participated in the learning process. Video record was used as the instrument in the process of observation. The interview was administered by the researcher to five of English instructors in another class and five students of community language learning class. The implementation of community language learning was done directly in the teaching and learning process for seven meetings. Different kinds of group work activities and assignments were also implemented in the learning process. The aim was to find out the progress of the students’ speaking ability after being taught using community language learning. It was also to find out the advantages and disadvantages the community language learning implementation. The materials were taken from the students’ book from English on Sky 2 for Junior High School Students Year VIII, Erlangga Publisher which was part of the curriculum.