Abstrak  Kembali
This research was conducted to investigate the effect of cubing and looping strategy, and students‟ personality towards students‟ descriptive writing ability at SMAN 1 Bandar Sribhawono East Lampung during the 2016/2017 academic year. This study used the descriptive quantitative approach. The sample size investigated was 72 students and later decreased, becoming 20 extroverted students and 20 introverted students from two classes. The data was obtained by a descriptive writing test and a personality type questionnaire based on Myers Briggs theory. The result revealed that first, there was no difference in students‟ descriptive writing ability between those who are taught using cubing and those who are taught by using looping strategy; here the p-value was 0.920>α=0.05. Second, there was no difference in extroverted and introverted students on descriptive writing ability, the p-value=0.614>α=0.05. Finally, there was no significant interaction effect between teaching strategy and personality towards descriptive writing ability, the p-value=0.481>α=0.05.