Abstrak  Kembali
This research aims to know the effectiveness of two strategies, CIRC and Webbing in enhancing students’ reading comprehension at descriptive text. The problem came from the students’ difficulties to read materials in foreign language. Thus, they read only word by word. Some students would say that they forget what the story was about, some would only recalled one or two pieces of information and some others could only tell the beginning and the ending of the story. Cooperative Integrated Reading and Composition (CIRC) and Webbing in which the reader is asked to apply his knowledge by using pictures and discuss in groups. Meanwhile, Webbing Strategy focused on translating the idea in the form of a concept of mind mapping, the theme of a text written in the web and is placed in the middle. This Web will be branched into some web which contains the main ideas than the main idea will be regrouped with other supporting ideas. The classification of this idea will be able to help and make it easier for students to understand the contents of a discourse. There are three questions in this research first, "whether there is an effect of using CIRC in enhancing students’ reading comprehension at descriptive text , second whether there is an effect of using Webbing in enhancing students’ reading comprehension at descriptive text, and the last whether there is any different improvement between those taught using CIRC and Webbing instruction This research was quantitative research which was comparing two strategies between CIRC and Webbing. The subject of this research were students at ten grades of SMAN 17 Tangerang regency. The total samples of this research were seventy two and there were thirty six students in each class. In each class was given different treatment by using CIRC and Webbing.