Abstrak  Kembali
Based on the result of the preliminary study, it was found that the fifth-grade students of Cijantung 05 Elementary School faced some difficulties. The difficulties is in their reading skill, particularly in getting the detail information about the text, the meaning of some words written in the text, and the meaning of the question of the text. This study was designed as a qualitative study. It is performed to observe what the students and the teacher did while the teacher using portfolio assessment in their reading activity, analyzed what problems which they face during the reading activity by using portfolio assessment and also analyze the students’ development in their reading skill from four meeting. Regarding the participant, it is taken from the fifth grade as many as 30 students. During the research, the students were asked to do a task for each meeting to know their development for four meetings and after that they have to do review and conferences to know their strength and weaknesses in reading skill The result of observation shows that the teacher and the students can apply the portfolio assessment well. In the result of interview, it is seen that most of students do not like reading because reading is boring, it is proven from 51,4% of students who choose that option. It is also found that most of students do not like using portfolio assessment because portfolio is complicated and takes a longer time to do, it is seen from 54.3% students who choose that option. In another question, it was found that most students said that portfolio has two difficulties, the difficulties are in the complicated activity and the longer time to apply it, it is proven from 82.8% students who answer like that. The last, it was found that most of the students do not want to use portfolio assessment in other skill becuse of those difficulties, it is proven from 80% students who choose that option. In the result of student reading skill development, it shows that almost all students have fluctuating development in their reading skill which was caused by the students’ incapability to find the detail information. This fluctuating development can be seen from their chart of four meeting. This study concluded that the students and the teacher were able to implement the portfolio assessment even though there are some weaknesses such as time allocation and the using of media. As far in implementing portfolio assessment, the time allocation and the complexity of reading activities are the points that are always said by the students. At last, the study indicated that 28 of 30 students have unstable development in their reading skill from all four meeting. It happens because they did not follow the instruction and get the detail information written in the text.