Abstrak  Kembali
The purpose of this study is to investigate the Effect of Teaching Techniques (Storytelling and Show-And-Tell) and Students’ Personality on Students’ Speaking Skill by the Students of third grade at Islamic Senior High School 69 Persis Matraman Jakarta which was located on Kramat Asem street number 59 Utan Kayu Selatan Matraman East Jakarta. The population of this study was 128 students and the sample was 60 students. This study is carried out to achieve three main objectives, first, whether there is a significant difference between the students who use storytelling and those who use show-and-tell on their speaking skill. Second, whether there is a significant difference of introvert and extrovert students on their speaking skill. Finally, whether there is a significant interaction between teaching technique and students’ personality on their speaking skill. In addition, this research used a quantitative quasi experimental approach using Factorial Design. In this research there are two independent variables and one dependent variable. The independent variables are teaching technique and personality, while dependent variable is speaking skill. Moreover, teaching technique is divided into storytelling and show-and-tell, while personality is divided into extrovert and introvert. In collecting the data this research used speaking test and questionnaire as instrument.