Abstrak  Kembali
This research is aimed at finding out: (1) The significant difference between Bottom- up and Top-Down learning model toward students’ reading comprehension. (2) The interaction between learning models and learning styles toward students’ reading comprehension. (3) whether Top-Down is better than bottom-up for the students’ reflective learning style toward students’ reading comprehension. (4) Whether bottom-up is better than Top-Down for the students’ impulsive learning style toward students’ reading comprehension. This study is quantitative study there are four groups here dividing into top-down with impulsive and reflective learning styles and top-down with reflective and impulsive learning styles. The sample of each class is 40 students where 20 students with reflective and 20 students with impulsive learning style by using top-down learning model so is bottom-up. So, the total sample of the research is 80 students using random sampling. The research instrument of this study used questionnaires and speaking test and analizing the data by using correlation analysis and regression. The result of this research were (1) Based on the data result either row F observed 8.59 > F table 3.97, means that there is significant difference between students who used Bottom up and those are who use T op-Down in their reading comprehension and in students’ learning styles, ρ-value 0.002 < 0.05. (2) There is significance interaction between learning model and learning style in their effect on reading comprehension. So, there was any interaction between learning model and learning styles toward students’ reading comprehension. (3) , the summary of top down is better than bottom up, while impulsive is better than Reflective. Thus, for the students’ reflective learning style, Bottom Up was better than Top Down. (4) For the students’ reflective learning style, Top down was better than Bottom Up and for students’ impulsive learning style, bottom up was better than top down.Thus, in teaching students with different learning style, teacher should treated them differently and the success of teaching and learning are based on the appropriate teacher treatment in teaching, the students’ needs and the way they process the case in learning.