Abstrak  Kembali
The objective of this study are to find out: (1) whether there is any significant difference effect between the students who are taught by using direct corrective feedback and those who are taught using indirect corrective feedback on the students writing skill, (2) To examine whether there is any significant difference effect between students who have positive attitude and those who have negative attitude on their writing skill, (3)To discover if there are any interactions in teachers’ feedback and students’ attitude on writing skill on the tenth grade of State Vocational High School 6, Bekasi. This research was an experimental study, conducted at the tenth graders of SMK N 6 Bekasi in the academic year 2016/2017. The samples were two classes: (1) X RPL 1 consisting of 36 students; and (2) X RPL 3 consisting of 35 students. The researcher used the cluster random sampling. Each class was divided into two groups which were students with positive and students with negative attitude. The research instruments consisted of the students’ attitude questionnaire and a writing test. Both instruments were tried out to get the valid and reliable items. Then the data were analyzed by using multifactor analysis of variance 2x2 (ANOVA). Based on the research result, the research findings were as follows: (1) there was no significant different effect between students who were taught by using indirect feedback and students who were taught by using direct feedback on their writing skill; (2) there was no significant different effect between students who have positive and students who have negative attitude in their writing skill using teachers’ corrective feedback; and (3) there were no interaction between teachers’ feedback and students attitude. Finally, it can be inferred that: (1) both indirect and direct feedback did not significantly effect on students writing skill at the tenth grade of soft engineering major at SMK N 6 Bekasi academic year 2016/2017; (3) both direct and indirect feedback has different use on students’ writing skill, direct for grammatical error and indirect for word choice; (2) the effect of corrective feedback on students’ writing skill does not significantly depend on students’ attitude.