Abstrak  Kembali
A number of barriers that students faced in learning writing, such as about lack of writing performance, low motivation, high anxiety, and lack of communication with the teacher. Dialogue journal writing was presented in the present study to develop students’ writing skill based on two points of views, where it included writing performance and students’ perceptions when using dialogue journal writing. Six students at second grade of junior high school participated in this study, and each student was required to write ten journal entries at two journal entries per week. The data included sixty students’ journal entries, and in-depth interviews of six students. The method of this study used a case study approach. The findings showed that dialogue journal writing developed the students’ writing performance on content, organization, voice, motivation, and communication with teacher. It also reduced their writing anxiety. Meanwhile, the development of writing fluency, word choices, and conventions occurred in four students. They indicated that dialogue journal writing allowed them to consider something new, enhanced their motivation so that they could be better in their writing skill; get better communication with the teacher through sharing their ideas, feelings, and thought. Additional time, various topics, and consistency in giving respond to students’ journal entries are needed for further research in maximizing the research