Abstrak  Kembali
English as a Medium of Instruction (EMI) is used by many teachers and lecturers in schools and universities to teach academic subject. One of the subjects that were being taught by using EMI is Bahasa Indonesia (BIPA) in Sofia University, Bulgaria. However, there were some challenges that have to be faced related to this matter concerning to vocabulary mastery and cultural barrier that occurred in BIPA classroom. This research was conducted to reveal the benefit of EMI implementation for teaching Bahasa Indonesia untuk Penutur Asing (BIPA) class and to explore its implementation in classroom practices in Sofia University. The participants of this research were 1 BIPA instructor and 4 students in the 4th semester of Department of South, East, and South-east Asia Studies, Faculty of Classical and Modern Philology, Sofia University, Bulgaria. This research was conducted on 26th April 2016 to 1st August 2016 for 3 meetings. The data was taken by using 2 instruments which were classroom observation and interview. The method of this research was qualitative method. The result of the research showed that in BIPA class, Sofia University, EMI had two benefits. The first benefit was EMI as a vocabulary enrichment strategy. The second benefit was EMI as a bridging process strategy that can be used to solve cultural barrier between instructor and students in teaching learning activity. The result also suggests instructor to improve the classroom management and for the institution to extend BIPA instructor training duration that previously only one month.