Abstrak  Kembali
The purpose of this study is to investigate Integrating Task-Based-Instruction (TBI) in Reading Comprehension of Narrative Text on the Eleventh Year students of Madrasah Aliyah Negeri (MAN) Model in Ternate. This study is carried out to achieve two main objectives, first, to find out how the integrated task-based-instruction in teaching inferences in reading narrative text assist the students to overcome their difficulties in English reading. Second, to find out how the integrated task-based-instruction in teaching make inferences in reading narrative text support the eleventh year language students to practice their English reading. In addition, this research used as a qualitative approach as action research. In this research there are two variables, they are independent variable and dependent variable. The independent variable is integrating Task-Based-Instruction (TBI) as teaching strategy, while dependent variable is reading comprehension narrative text. In collecting the data, this research used instrument test, questionnaire, video recording and field note. Technique of analyzing the data used decoding and conceptualizing, classifying data, indicator of students’ comprehension, and cross checking triangulation. The using of Task-Based-Instruction (TBI) as a teaching strategy was helpful in the process of teaching and learning reading narrative text. The result in each meeting showed that TBI as teaching strategy assists and supports to overcome students’ difficulty in reading comprehension of narrative text. The finding showed that the students’ score on reading comprehension of narrative text had improved after being taught by using Task-Based-Instruction (TBI). The average score of pre-cycle was 55.2, the average of cycle 1 was 62.8, the average of cycle 2 was 76.8, the average of cycle 3 was 81.6 and the average of post-cycle was 86.1. Based on the result above, the researcher expected to the English teacher to use the Task-Based-Instruction (TBI) as the teaching strategy on teaching reading comprehension of narrative text, this teaching was interesting for the students and easy to be implemented by teacher. This technique also was could be considered as the alternative way on teaching reading comprehension.