Abstrak  Kembali
Vocabulary is necessary to be mastered by the students, it is essential to emphasize the main goal of its importance. Learning vocabulary aims at enabling the students to comprehend the meaning or the function of the unknown words by practicing it into communicative purposes. This means, the students are expected to make use of their vocabulary instead of just gaining a rich repertoire of English words. However, in this recent year, it was likely that students have not mastered English vocabulary skill, as their foreign language, as well as it is supposed. This thesis is aimed to report the implementation of twitter as teaching and learning media of vocabulary mastery at Madratsah Aliyah Negeri (MAN) 2 Serang, especially to the speaking program. The method of the research was qualitative approach which the writer collected the data by using observation, interview, and documentation. The observation and interview were done to the teacher and students of Tenth Graders at MAN 2 Serang. Meanwhile, the documentation of teacher was analyzed to get more information about students’ learning records.