Abstrak  Kembali
The purpose of this research was to find out whether there is any significant simultaneous correlation between vocabulary mastery and self esteem on students‟ speaking skill, whether there is any significant correlation between vocabulary mastery and students‟ speaking skill, and whether there is also any significant correlation between self esteem and students‟ speaking skill. The accessible population of this study were X grade students majoring in natural science at SMU 64 Jakarta Timur. The sample was 60 students were chosen randomly selected from 3 classes. To collect data, the writer used three of instruments : vocabulary test, speaking test and self esteem questionnaire. A quantitative analysis that included descriptive statistic (mean, median, modus, range, standard deviation, and distribution of frequency in histogram), the correlation and regression analysis tests were conducted to answer the research hypotheses in this study. Analytical statistic showed that R = 0.641 and R2 = 0.411, it means that vocabulary and self esteem account for 41.1% of speaking skill. While the regression equation is Ῠ = 43.714 + 0.207X1 + 0.676 X2 . Another finding, based on correlation Product Moment, it was found that ry1 between vocabulary mastery and speaking skill was 0.538 , and ry2 between self esteem and speaking skill was 0.442. Moreover, the final results of this study which stated about the hypotheses were that there is significant simultaneous correlation between vocabulary mastery and self esteem on students‟ speaking skill; that there is significant correlation between vocabulary mastery and students‟ speaking skill ; and there is also significant correlation between self esteem and students‟ speaking skill. This research findings have proved the theories that vocabulary as a language component and self esteem as affective factor have contribution in developing learning language especially speaking skill. Thus, the teachers should give more attention on speaking skill by giving various materials and concern to psychologic factors, so that the students will have higher self esteem and will be more confident in learning process.