Abstrak  Kembali
This thesis aims to investigate the implementation of CLT in EFL (English as Foreign Language) setting, particularly in Indonesia. The study focuses on how the teacher implements the CLT in the classroom especially teaching speaking, what problem emerges during teaching and how the teacher copes with the problem, and what problem the students have, and how they overcome the problem. The method used is a case study in which the data was obtained through interview, questionnaire, observation, documentation and conference. To answer the research questions, this study bases the answers on such principles of CLT implementation; using tasks as organizational principles, promoting learning by doing, input needs to be rich, meaningful, comprehensive and elaborated, promoting cooperative and collaborative learning, focusing on form, providing error corrective feedback, and recognizing and respecting affective factors of learning. Based on the findings, it is concluded that the teacher implemented the CLT principles proposed by Long. The specific findings are the teacher taught the students in various tasks; implemented “learning by doing” (using English more than Indonesian), used NCEEC’s handout and authentic material, used individually learning more than cooperative and collaboration learning, focused on form; (grammar rule and contextual function), gave positive and negative feedback, and considered affective factors of learning. The specific findings of the research are the teacher used English much in the classroom, combines some methods (Total Physical Response, Grammar Translation Method and Audio-lingual) in implementing the “adjusted” CLT, focuses on fluency than accuracy in conducting the activities, makes several adjustments to the students’ characteristics to stimulate the students easy communicating in English, and uses some valuable techniques of other methods during the CLT implementation.