Abstrak  Kembali
This research aims to improve speaking skill of seafarer students Nautica V of BP3IP Sunter in North of Jakarta through the using of oral corrective feedback. This thesis answers research questions of the ways of oral corrective feedback strategies used by the teacher to improve students’ speaking skill, the students’ responses toward that strategy, and effective types of oral corrective feedback. This research used qualitative and quantitative approach in action research method. The instruments that the researcher used were classroom observation, interview, and documents. The researcher also used test (pre-test and post-test) to measure the improvement of students’ speaking skill. From all data gathered by the researcher, it is found information that the use of oral corrective feedback strategy used by the teacher is effective to improve students’ speaking skill. In cycle 1, the average of students’ speaking test is about 62, then 71.12 in cycle 2, and 77.87 in cycle 3. It is found that the teacher frequently used type of oral corrective feedback such as recast for 50%, followed by explicit correction 19%, clarification request 19%, elicitation 5.2%, metalinguistic feedback 3.4% and repetition 3.4%. The students’ responses toward oral corrective feedback to improve students’ speaking skill are successful uptake 67.2%, unsuccessful uptake 5.2%, acknowledgment 8.6%, enquiry 8.6%, no response (10.2%), and no chance (0%). They respond positively and seem very excited in getting oral corrective feedback from the teacher because they believe it is very useful for them. The effective type of oral corrective feedback in improving students’ speaking skill is recast which has successful uptake 46.5%