Abstrak  Kembali
The purpose of this research is to investigate whether: (1) There is significant improvement toward the student after KWL (Know-Want to know-Learn) strategy is implemented, (2) There is significant improvement toward the students after QAR (Question and Answer Relationship) is implemented, (3) There is significant different between KWL reading strategy and QAR reading strategy in improving students‟ reading comprehension achievement, (4) There is significant different between extrovert and introvert on their effect on reading comprehension achievement, (5) There is significant interaction between reading strategy and personality traits in improving students‟ reading comprehension achievement. This Research was conducted at SMK Sasmita Jaya 2 Pamulang from September to November. The sample of the population were two classes from the nine classes. The research administered cluster random sampling to take the sample. The method of this research was quassy experimental research. Before administering the treatment, the researcher identified the personality of the students. To determine the students‟ personality the writer applied personality test using MBTI (Myers-Briggs Type Indicator) and applied Guttman scala. Meanwhile to measure the students reading comprehension the researcher used multiple choice reading comprehension test then analyzed them using SPSS 20. After analyzing the data , the researcher found that: firstly: there was significant improvement on the students reading comprehension after KWL strategy being applied. Second there was also significant improvement toward the students after QAR strategy was applied. Third, the researcher also found that there was no significant different between QAR reading strategy and KWL reading strategy on their effect on the students reading comprehension achievement. It means that both of the strategies improved the students reading comprehension achievement, but there was no significant different between them. None of them was better than the other. Fourth, there was also no significant difference between extroverted students and introverted student on their effect on students reading comprehension achievement. Fifth, the researcher found that there was no interaction between reading strategy and personality traits on their effect on the students reading comprehension achievement.