Abstrak  Kembali
In this research, the writer has investigated whether there is any correlation between students‘ vocabulary mastery and their grammar mastery toward ability writing analytical exposition text. After that, the writer make analyze about the problem. There is lack of students in vocabulary and grammar. This research was held in SMA Harapan Ibu Jakarta. To collect the data, the writer took 43 students from 75 students of the eleventh grade by using random sampling technique. The writer used test to collect the data quantitatively to measure their ability in vocabulary and grammar. In this research, there are three test, vocabulary test, and grammar test to measure students‘ mastery in writing analytical exposition text. Then, the data of vocabulary test, grammar test, and also writing analytical exposition test have been collected to analyze the correlation between them. According to the statistic analysis the result between two variable students‘ vocabulary mastery (X1) and students‘ ability in writing analytical exposition text (Y) is 1 or ˃0.75 – 0.99. It means that there is strong correlation between X1 and Y. The result between two variable students‘ grammar mastery (X2) and students‘ ability in writing analytical exposition text (Y) is 1,25 or ˃0.75 – 0.99. It means that there is strong correlation between X2 and Y. So, based on the result correlation significant data above showed that between three variables there is strong correlation one to another.