Abstrak  Kembali
This thesis was aimed at optimizing the students’ vocabulary mastery by using the right brain methods, namely the association and correlation method at the seventh grade students of SMPN 1 Rancah-Ciamis. The Subjects of the study were 23 students in seventh grde of SMPN 1 Rancah. This study used Clasroom Action Research (CAR), and it was conducted in three cycles, each of which consisted of planning, acting, observing, and reflecting. The data of the study were taken from the questionnaire, observation, interview and the students vocabulary test in form of multiple choice and students’ presentation. Data analysis techniques used were descriptive analysis both qualitatively and quantitatively. Qualitative analysis was used for qualitative data such as interview, observation, and documentation, while quantitative analysis was used for quantitative data obtained from questionnaire and the students’ final product on vocabulary test in form of multiple choice. The results showed that the implementation of the right brain methods, namely the association and correlation method affected possitively on the improvement of students’ vocabulary mastery. It was based on the enthusisatic and the active participation of the students in the process of teaching and learning, and also the results of students’ vocabulary test from pre-cycle with the mean was 61.7 increase at the end of cycle III became 94.6. Based on the finding above, the researcher suggests that English teachers should use the right brain methods, namely the association and correlation method continually in teaching English. The English teacher also should support students to have a commitment in doing the right brain exercises in order that they can apply the right brain methods easily, and make them become autonomous learner.