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The Implementation of Web Based Learning Through Learning Management Syatem “Edmodo”In Improving The Ability Of Reading Comprehension On The Eight Grade Student Of SMP Bakti Idhata.. English Language Study Program S2, Muhammadiyah University Uhamka. Advisor: Dr. Tri Wintolo Apoko, M.Pd. and H. Ujang Supaman, MA., Ph.D. This study was conducted to implement Edmodo technique in teaching narrative reading in SMP Bakti Idhata Jakarta at grade 8 . The main objective of this study was to answer a question that how to implement the edmodo in improving the ability reading comprehension at grade 8.In conducting the study, the writer uses a qualitative research. Two techniques were used to collect the data, classroom observation and interview. During the observation, MP 3 and digital camera were used to record the situations and interactions as well as the activityes performed by the teacher and students. The data collection and analysis were done simultaneously during this study. The result from both data collection were directly compared and interpreted. Analysis of observation and questionnaire data shows that there were some ways that the teacher used when teaching reading through Edmodo learning. The result of this study also show that teaching reading comprehension through Edmodo was fun. Students are interested to find another resources especially in reading through internet. Finally, the writer hopes that edmodo can help the students in learning reading comprehension and they can use technology to gain another sources and it is important for teachers to improve their skill in technology.