Abstrak  Kembali
The research was conducted to find out the most type of oral corrective feedback that used by the teacher and the students, the most type of students’ uptakes that following the feedback, and to identify the contributions of oral corrective feedback in students’ speaking performances. The research used qualitative approach which involved the case study method. The participants whom were involved in this research were diploma students at LP3i Cilegon, Banten and the researcher chose 18 students of beginner level (3A) which already divided by the institution. The result of this study shows that, first, the most type of oral corrective feedback that used by both of the teacher and the students are explicit corrections; correction that convey immediately by the teacher after he found the error, followed by elicitation, recast, clarification request, paralinguistic signal, metalinguistic feedback, and repetition while the most type that followed by students’ uptakes are also explicit corrections. Second, the most types of students’ uptakes that following the feedbacks are self- repair. Third, regarding to the contributions of giving oral corrective feedback: a). students were aware about their own mistakes; b). students were motivated to speak better; c). their pronunciation and grammar input were improved; d). their vocabularies were enriched; e). their speaking performances were improved. The researcher suggests to the teacher to provide various types of oral corrective feedback that beneficial in guiding students to do self- repair. Moreover, for the students, the researcher suggests them to be more expressive in responding their teacher’s feedback.