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Ditemukan 10 dokumen dengan kata kunci 3840 Simpan CSV Simpan CSV
Found in translation: To what extent is authorial discriminability preserved by translators?
Pengarang: Richard S. Forsyth and Phoenix W. Y. Lam | No. Panggil: Literary and Linguistic Computing (Volume 29 Issue 2 June 2014, p. 199-217) |
Koleksi: e-Article Oxford Journal  :: Cari yang mirip  :: Tambahkan ke Favorit  ::
What Ever Happened to Project Bamboo?
Pengarang: Quinn Dombrowski | No. Panggil: Literary and Linguistic Computing (Volume 29 Issue 3 September 2014, p. 326-339) |
Koleksi: e-Article Oxford Journal  :: Cari yang mirip  :: Tambahkan ke Favorit  ::
What is a model for a semantically linear λ-calculus?
Pengarang: Marco Gaboardi and Mauro Piccolo | No. Panggil: Journal of Logic and Computation June 2014; 24 (3), p. 557-589 |
Koleksi: e-Article Oxford Journal  :: Cari yang mirip  :: Tambahkan ke Favorit  ::
Sample data processing in an additive and reproducible taxonomic workflow by using character data persistently linked to preserved individual specimens
Pengarang: Norbert Kilian, Tilo Henning, Patrick Plitzner, Andreas Müller, dll | No. Panggil: Database (Volume 2015, p. bav094) |
Koleksi: e-Article Oxford Journal  :: Cari yang mirip  :: Tambahkan ke Favorit  ::
Language chunking, data sparseness, and the value of a long marker list: explorations with word n-grams and authorial attribution
Pengarang: Alexis Antonia, Hugh Craig, and Jack Elliott | No. Panggil: Literary and Linguistic Computing (Volume 29 Issue 2 June 2014, p. 147-163) |
Koleksi: e-Article Oxford Journal  :: Cari yang mirip  :: Tambahkan ke Favorit  ::
What do scientists think about the public and does it matter to their online engagement?
Pengarang: John C. Besley | No. Panggil: Science and Public Policy (Volume 42 Issue 2 April 2015, p. 201-214) |
Koleksi: e-Article Oxford Journal  :: Cari yang mirip  :: Tambahkan ke Favorit  ::
Research collaboration in the social sciences: What factors are associated with disciplinary and interdisciplinary collaboration?
Pengarang: Richard Woolley, Mabel Sánchez-Barrioluengo, Tim Turpin, Jane Marceau | No. Panggil: Science and Public Policy (Volume 42 Issue 4 Agustus 2015, p. 567-582) |
Koleksi: e-Article Oxford Journal  :: Cari yang mirip  :: Tambahkan ke Favorit  ::
‘What’s in the NIDDK CDR?’—public query tools for the NIDDK central data repository
Pengarang: Huaqin Pan, Mary-Anne Ardini, Vesselina Bakalov, Michael DeLatte, dll | No. Panggil: Database (Volume 2013, p.bas058) |
Koleksi: e-Article Oxford Journal  :: Cari yang mirip  :: Tambahkan ke Favorit  ::
What if no hybrid reasoner is available? Hybrid MKNF in multi-context systems
Pengarang: Matthias Knorr, Martin Slota, João Leite, and Martin Homola | No. Panggil: Journal of Logic and Computation (December 2014; 24 (6), p. 1279-1311) |
Koleksi: e-Article Oxford Journal  :: Cari yang mirip  :: Tambahkan ke Favorit  ::
Working in the for-profit versus not-for-profit sector: what difference does it make? An inquiry on preferences of voluntary and involuntary movers
Pengarang: Leonardo Becchetti, Stefano Castriota, and Sara Depedri | No. Panggil: Industrial and Corporate Change (Volume 23 Issue 4 August 2014, p. 1087-1120) |
Koleksi: e-Article Oxford Journal  :: Cari yang mirip  :: Tambahkan ke Favorit  ::