Abstrak  Kembali
Development of information technology in 2015 is growing faster so that the required type of network where the network can be implemented in the current situation where the infrastructure can not be used. Currently there are virtual access point technology that functions as a physical access point. By using a specific software, the computer can function as an access point. Implementation is done by designing an intranet using Connectify software as a virtual access point and in its implementation required a notebook as a virtual access point as well as some notebook function as a client that will be interconnected. Where will be the performance of the virtual access point to view the QoS parameters such as delay, jitter, packet loss, and throughput with differentiated into two experiments that the first scenario and the second scenario. From the results of the testing that has been done QoS values obtained for each parameter occurs very significant difference. It is caused by distance, amount and duration of the streaming client. So it will be concluded that the intranet using a virtual access point goes vary based on QoS parameters match the standard set TIPHON.