Abstrak  Kembali
In this work, we present a mathematical model for the dynamics of glucose regulatory system under the combined use of dieting and physical activity, the model is an improvement on the work by Brian et al (2000). In our proposed model, we incorporated a parameter h by defining itin terms of; physical activity and dieting (calorie restriction) as factors that affects glucose and insulin homeostasis. The study ushered in a mathematical model for studying the dynamics of the glucose regulation under the combined effect of dieting (calorie restriction) and physical activity. The model was used to investigate the effect of dieting and physical activity on glucose and insulin homeostasis, The result of the study showed that; dieting and physical activity has great impact on the regulation of plasma glucose and insulin concentration, and that dieting and physical activity can be used on any population for the management of glucose and insulin homeostasis. Furthermore, our study corroborates the clinical trial studies by Margarita et al (2005), Jean (1999), that; dieting and physical activity improves insulin and glucose effectiveness on a wider scope rather than on a specific population as required by clinical trial studies. In conclusion, 1) Medical practitioners should encourage a combined physical activity and calorie restriction therapy for the management of diabetes, 2) Government, NGO’s, and stake holders should improve on investment in physical activity facilities and production of low calorie diet for diabetic patients. Such therapy will attenuate the development of diabetes and transition from diabetes without complications to diabetes with complications in a diabetic population.