Abstrak  Kembali
Malaria, as a disease, is so rampant in the society to the extent that it is viewed as, a fast becoming endemic disease, particularly in Africa. In this study we developed a mathematical model to study the dynamics of the disease in a population, in developing the model; a population is compartmentalized into susceptible and infected classes taking into consideration the interaction between the parasites and the host (human beings), also the susceptible and the infected classes are allowed to interact freely without quarantining either class. The model ushered in a system of first order equation that describes the dynamics of the susceptible class and the infected class under the influence of the parasite. Qualitative and stability analysis were carried out, the result of the analysis showed that if preventive measures are not put in place, the susceptible and infected classes will reach a stable equilibrium point which can be disastrous to the population. The study recommended specific measures to control the disease.