Abstrak  Kembali
After determination of sorption isotherms of grape seeds using gravimetric method, five models with temperature effect were used to fit water sorption isotherms of grape seeds to investigate temperature effect on sorption isotherms and its thermodynamic characteristics. Halsey model had minimum mean relative percentage error (Me) and all other models used were good in fitting experimental data (with Me of less than 10 %). Differential parameters such as net isosteric heat, isosteric heat, differential entropy and integral function such as equilibrium heat, net equilibrium heat, integral entropy and surface potential have been calculated. The net isosteric heat, isosteric heat and differential entropy decreased with moisture content. The net equilibrium enthalpy, equilibrium enthalpy and integral entropy decreased with moisture content. The surface potential at four temperatures (35, 45, 55 and 65 °C) was estimated, and low temperature effect was reported