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WIDA ASMARANI. 1301065174. An Item Analysis of the English Summative Test for the Eighth Grade Students of SMP 3 Jakarta in the Second Semester of 2017/2018 Academic Year. A paper; Jakarta: The Study Programme of English Education, The School of Teachers’ Training and Education, The University of Muhammadiyah Prof. Dr. HAMKA, 2018. The objective of this research was to find out the empirical evidence of the quality of the English summative test for the second semester students of the eighth grade on SMP 3 Jakarta in terms of the facility value or difficulty level, discriminating power, and the effectiveness of distractors. The test was held in SMP 3 Jakarta on Mei 2018.The test of this research consists of 50 multiple choice items. The respondents of this research are 90 students which are divided into 27% of upper, 46% of medium group and 27% of lower group. In this matter, the writer does not use the medium group, which is about 46% because the item analysis needs only the upper group and lower group as a sample analysis. In analyzing the facility value or difficulty level, the discriminating power, the writer used the formula suggested by Heaton to analyze the difficulty level, the discriminating power, and the effectiveness of distractors. The result of the data analysis showed that, from 50 items that 36 items are categorized in the easy level, 9 items are categorized in the medium level and 5 items are categorized in the difficulty level. In terms of the discriminating power, it is discovered from 50 items, there have been 9 items can be accepted, 36 items should be revised, and 5 items is discarded. It could be concluded that the test have not fulfilled the criteria of a good quality. The benefits of the study result are can help teacher to find out if the test can be categorized as a good in terms of difficulty level, discriminating power of the test items and the effectiveness of distractors for making a good test of English Summative test for the second semester of the Eighth Grade Students at SMP BARUNAWATI 3 Jakarta, and that is useful for making good quality of English test item.