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ICSID tribunals and sovereign debt restructuring-related litigation: mapping the further implications of the alemanni decision
Pengarang: Giupponi, Belen Olmos | No. Panggil: eJI02-FILJ |
Koleksi: eArticle Oxford ::
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The adverse inference in ICSID practice
Pengarang: Polkinghorne, Michael; Rosenberg B. Charles | No. Panggil: eJI02-FILJ |
Koleksi: eArticle Oxford ::
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Challenge and disqualification of arbitrators at ICSID: a new dawn?
Pengarang: Vasani, S Baiju; Palmer, A Shaun | No. Panggil: eJI02-FILJ |
Koleksi: eArticle Oxford ::
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The rule of non-aggravation of the dispute in ICSID arbitration practice
Pengarang: Campolieti, Federico | No. Panggil: eJI02-FILJ |
Koleksi: eArticle Oxford ::
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Provisional measures during suspension of ICSID proceedings
Pengarang: Coleman, Matthew; Innes, Thomas | No. Panggil: eJI02-FILJ |
Koleksi: eArticle Oxford ::
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The admissibility of evidence in ICSID arbitration: considering the validity of wikiLeaks cables as evidence
Pengarang: Ireton, O. Jessica | No. Panggil: eJI02-FILJ |
Koleksi: eArticle Oxford ::
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Horizontal and vertical relationships of international courts and tribunals - how do we address their competing jurisdiction?
Pengarang: Giorgetti, Chiara | No. Panggil: eJI02-FILJ |
Koleksi: eArticle Oxford ::
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Canute confronts the tide: states versus tribunals and the evolution of the minimum standard in customary international law
Pengarang: Reisman, W. Michael | No. Panggil: eJI02-FILJ |
Koleksi: eArticle Oxford ::
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Postova banka SA and istrokapital SE v Hellenic republic: sovereign bonds and the puzzling definition of ‘investment’ in international investment law
Pengarang: Montanaro, Francesco | No. Panggil: eJI02-FILJ |
Koleksi: eArticle Oxford ::
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Yukos universal limited (isle of man) v the Russian federation enforcement of the yukos awards: complementarity or conflict? contrasting the yukos case before the European court of human rights and investment tribunals
Pengarang: Eric De Brabandere | No. Panggil: eJI02-FILJ |
Koleksi: eArticle Oxford ::
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