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Challenge and disqualification of arbitrators at ICSID: a new dawn?
Pengarang: Vasani, S Baiju; Palmer, A Shaun | No. Panggil: eJI02-FILJ |
Koleksi: eArticle Oxford ::
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Yukos universal limited (isle of man) v the Russian federation enforcement of the yukos awards: a second noga saga or a new sedelmayer fight?
Pengarang: Fouret, Julien and Daureu, Pierre | No. Panggil: eJI02-FILJ |
Koleksi: eArticle Oxford ::
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Conoco phillips v Venezuela and gold reserve v Venezuela expropriation: a new focus on old issues
Pengarang: Dolzer, Rudolf | No. Panggil: eJI02-FILJ |
Koleksi: eArticle Oxford ::
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Diag human SE v czech republic- ministry of health: a restrictive application of the ‘Commercial’ requirement in New York convention cases under US law
Pengarang: Fellas, John; Petrovas, Pavlos | No. Panggil: eJI02-FILJ |
Koleksi: eArticle Oxford ::
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Investomercial arbitration: whence cometh it? what is it? whither goeth it?
Pengarang: Brower, N. Charles; Kumar, P. Shashank | No. Panggil: eJI02-FILJ |
Koleksi: eArticle Oxford ::
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Horizontal and vertical relationships of international courts and tribunals - how do we address their competing jurisdiction?
Pengarang: Giorgetti, Chiara | No. Panggil: eJI02-FILJ |
Koleksi: eArticle Oxford ::
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Time to reassess remedies for delays breaching effective means
Pengarang: Karreman, P. Annelise; Dharmananda, Kanaga | No. Panggil: eJI02-FILJ |
Koleksi: eArticle Oxford ::
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Investor-state disputes and the rise of recourse to state party pleadings as subsequent agreements or subsequent practice under the vienna convention on the law of treaties
Pengarang: Magraw, Kendra | No. Panggil: eJI02-FILJ |
Koleksi: eArticle Oxford ::
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The rule of non-aggravation of the dispute in ICSID arbitration practice
Pengarang: Campolieti, Federico | No. Panggil: eJI02-FILJ |
Koleksi: eArticle Oxford ::
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The admissibility of evidence in ICSID arbitration: considering the validity of wikiLeaks cables as evidence
Pengarang: Ireton, O. Jessica | No. Panggil: eJI02-FILJ |
Koleksi: eArticle Oxford ::
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