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Heterogeneity in the impact of health shocks on labour outcomes: evidence from Swedish workers
Pengarang: Lundborg, Petter; Nilssonb, Martin, and Vikstrom, Johan | No. Panggil: eJI02-OEP |
Koleksi: eArticle Oxford ::
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Can agricultural cooperatives reduce poverty? Heterogeneous impact of cooperative membership on farmers’welfare in Rwanda
Pengarang: Verhofstadt, Ellen and Maertens, Miet | No. Panggil: eJI02-AEPP |
Koleksi: eArticle Oxford ::
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Catastrophic outpatient health payments and health payment-induced poverty under China’s new rural cooperative medical scheme
Pengarang: Wei Yang | No. Panggil: eJI02-AEPP |
Koleksi: eArticle Oxford ::
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The resilience of regional labour markets to economic shocks: exploring the role of interactions among firms and workers
Pengarang: Diodato Dario; Anet B. R. Weterings | No. Panggil: eJI02-JEG |
Koleksi: eArticle Oxford ::
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Climate shocks, dynastic cycles and nomadic conquests: evidence from historical China
Pengarang: Chen, Qiang | No. Panggil: eJI02-OEP |
Koleksi: eArticle Oxford ::
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Who cares about stock market booms and busts? Evidence from data on mental health
Pengarang: Ratcliffe, Anita; Taylor, Karl | No. Panggil: eJI02-OEP |
Koleksi: eArticle Oxford ::
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Impact of Natural Disasters on Education Outcomes: Evidence from the 1987–89 Locust Plague in Mali
Pengarang: Vreyer, Philippe De ; Guilbert, Nathalie ; Somps, Sandrine Mesple | No. Panggil: eJI02-JAE |
Koleksi: eArticle Oxford ::
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Labour economics
Pengarang: Stephen Smith | No. Panggil: ebe-e0013 |
Koleksi: eBook-Ekonomi ::
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Overstaying Guest Workers and the Incentives for Return
Pengarang: Djajic, Slobodanand ; Vinogradovay, Alexandra | No. Panggil: eJI02-CES |
Koleksi: eArticle Oxford ::
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Impact of law on family institutions
No. Panggil: 346.015 IMP |
Koleksi: Buku Teks ::
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