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Labour force participation of older men in Australia: the role of spousal participation
Pengarang: Mavromaras, Kostas; Zhu, Rong | No. Panggil: eJI02-OEP |
Koleksi: eArticle Oxford ::
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Working Women and Fertility: the Role of Grandmothers’ Labor Force Participation
Pengarang: -Fenoll, Ainhoa Aparicio ; Fernandez, Marian Vidal | No. Panggil: eJI02-CES |
Koleksi: eArticle Oxford ::
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Labour Mobility and the Portability of Social Rights in the EU
Pengarang: Addioy, Anna Cristina d’ ; Cavalleriz, Maria Chiara | No. Panggil: eJI02-CES |
Koleksi: eArticle Oxford ::
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To bid or not to bid: the role of participation rates in conservation auction outcomes
Pengarang: Depiper S, Geret | No. Panggil: eJI02-AJAE |
Koleksi: eArticle Oxford ::
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Labour market adjustments and migration in Europe and the United States: how different?
Pengarang: Beyer, Robert C. M. ; Smets, Frank | No. Panggil: eJI02-EP |
Koleksi: eArticle Oxford ::
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Does participation in 4-H improve schooling outcomes? evidance from florida
Pengarang: Frores-Lagunes, Alfonso, Timko, Troy | No. Panggil: eJI02-AJAE |
Koleksi: eArticle Oxford ::
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A triple-hurdle model of production and market participation in Kenya’s dairy market
Pengarang: Burke, J. William; Myers, J. Robert and Jayne, S. Thomas. | No. Panggil: eJI02-AJAE |
Koleksi: eArticle Oxford ::
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Economic analysis, ideology and the public sphere: insights from Australia’s equal remuneration hearings
Pengarang: Austen , Siobhan ; Jefferson, Therese | No. Panggil: eJI02-CJE |
Koleksi: eArticle Oxford ::
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Political risk or political right? reconciling the International legal norms of investment protection and political participation
Pengarang: Tim Wood | No. Panggil: eJI02-FILJ |
Koleksi: eArticle Oxford ::
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Himpunan peraturan
Pengarang: Benoe Satrivo | No. Panggil: R.344.01133 IND h |
Koleksi: Buku Referens ::
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