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Performance at PT. Madhani Ta/atah Nusantara Jakarta. This study aimed to determine the relationship Factors Individual and Work Environment on Employee Performance at PT. Madbani Talatah Nusantara Jakarta. The variables studied are individual factors, the work environment and employee performance at PT Nusantara Jakarta Madbani Talatah Jakarta. The results showed that the value t t-table (0.978 <1.978), which means that the work environment significantly influence employee performance. Ofthe results wereknown regression showed that the value ofF count> F-table (53 719> 3.10), which means that overal l the indicator variable Individual and Work Environment jointly (simultaneously) significantly affe cts the variable Employee Performance PT. Madhani Talatah Nusantara Jakarta. Tberefore, it is suggested to the company so that employees can maintain the attitude, skil l level of employees and contro l the work stress experienced by employees. For the Working Environment Companiesshould provide an opportunity for employees to participate in corporate decision-making so that employees can comforta bly work in the company.