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ABSTRACT Maulidya Asmawati (1002025053) EFFECT OF ACCOUNTING INCOME AND CASH FLOW INFORMATION ON DIVIDEND POLICY IN LARGE TRADING (WHOLESALE) THAT GO PUBLIC IN INDONESIA STOCK EXCHANGE, Thesis. Tier One Program Accounting. Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Muhammadiyah Prof. DR. HAMKA. 2014 Jakarta. Keywords: Measuring Profit Accounting by Earning Per Share (EPS), Cash Flow Information (Cash flow), Dividend Policy. This study aims to determine how the effect between accounting profit and cash flow information on dividend policy in the large trading companies (wholesalers) that have gone public. The variables studied were the accounting profit and cash flow information as an independent variable and a variable dividend policy as the dependent variable. The sample used was judgment sampling where selecting a sample based on the criteria set by the researchers with the results of the final sample as many as eight large trading companies (wholesalers) that have gone public in the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX). Secondary research data are obtained from the annual reports contained in the official website of the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) and the website of each company sampled. The results of the study using SPSS 20.0 with multiple linear regression equation Ŷ = 1,224 + 0,001 X1-0,008 X2 who have tested the feasibility of the assumptions of normality, heterocedastity, multicollinearity and autocorrelation. The test results indicate that the variable accounting profits with earnings per share approach has a positive and significant effect on dividend policy with t count > t table (6,064 > 1,679) and a significance level of 0.000. Then the results of cash flow information variables showed no significant influence on dividend policy with a value of t count > t table -0.69 < 1.679 and a significance level of 0.946. F test results indicate that simultaneously (together) two independent ix variables, namely accounting profit and cash flow information significantly influence the dividend policy with the value of F count > F table (31,497 > 3.20) and a significance level of 0.000. Based on the results of a total of R2 indicates that the relationship between accounting profit and cash flow information on dividend policy, which is at 58.3% and the remaining 41.7% influenced by other variables such as debt policy and managerial ownership. From these results it is suggested to the shareholders of the company or those who want to invest their shares in the company and wanted a regular dividend distribution each year to not only pay attention to profits derived by an enterprise, but also must pay attention to the acquisition of the movement of the total value of a company's cash flow information obtained each year.