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ABSTRACT Tubagus Winanto 0502025084 ANALYSIS OF EFFECT OF EARNINGS PER SHARE (EPS) AND OPERATING CASH FLOW (OCF) TO SHARE PRICE IN COMMUNICATIONS SECTOR IN INDONESIA STOCK EXCHANGE (IDX), Strata One Program, Department of Accounting, Faculty of Economics, University of Muhammadiyah Prof.. DR. Hamka Jakarta 2012. The purpose of this study was to determine the influence of Earnings Per Share is there (EPS) and Operating Cash Flow (OCF) of the company's stock price in the telecommunications sector in Indonesia Stock Exchange, this study uses explanatory methods. Explanatory method used to determine the effect of EPS (X1) and OCF (X2) of the Share Price (Y) and the relationship between EPS (X1) and OCF (X2) of the Share Price (Y). The population in this study are listed telecommunications company in Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) accounted for 3 (three) companies. The sampling technique used in this study is Purposive Sampling Method, in which the technique of determining the sample and the population with particular consideration is taken based on the criteria. Processing and data analysis using regression / correlation analysis and multiple coefficient of determination. Earnings Per Share (EPS) and Operating Cash Flow (OCF) of the stock price is as follows: Y = 102.285 + 3.727 X1 + 6.496 X2. Rate constants of 102.285 states that if no Earnings Per Share (EPS) and Operating Cash Flow (OCF), the stock price of 102.285%. Regression coefficient of 3.727 X1 states that every decrease of 1% Earnings Per Share (EPS), the stock price would decline by 3.727% assuming the Operating Cash Flow (OCF) remains. Regression coefficient of 6.496 X2 states that every 1% increase in Operating Cash Flow (OCF), the Return Shares will experience an increase of 6.496%, assuming Per Share Earnings (EPS) remain. This suggests that there is a strong relationship between EPS and OCF of Stock Price. Model Summary table based on the number R of 0.982 is obtained. This suggests that there is a strong relationship between Earnings Per Share, Operating Cash Flow to the Stock Price. And obtained figures R2 (R Square) of 0.963 or by 96.3%. This shows that the percentage contribution of the independent variable Earnings Per Share and Operating Cash Flow is able to explain by 96.3%. Variation in the dependent variable stock price. While the remaining 3.7% is explained by the variable affected or other internal factors, Return On Asset (ROA), return on investmen (ROI), Dividend Per Share (DPS). Earnings Per Share is a financial analysis tool that is often used as a measure of corporate performance, a company that has a good financial performance can be measured through the acquisition of Earnings Per Share (EPS) in the income statement each year. Operating Cash Flow (OCF) for the owners of the tools used to analyze the performance and achievements of the management. Because based on the cash flow statement can be known to all expenditures and receipts during the period. For investors who intend to invest should consider the EPS and OCF for this study based on the ratio has an effect on stock prices. For further research would be better if the ratio should be analyzed using the kind of companies engaged in various sectors and areas in a company, so as to obtain data and more accurate results. Besides research results generated will be more accurate if it adds to external factors such as foreign exchange rates, political and economic situation of a country so it would be getting better results