Hypertension is a disease that can cause the number one death in the world every year. The world's hypertension population will reach 1.13 billion people by 2025. One of the factors that causes hypertension in patients to continue to increase is patient adherence to taking medication, which also influences the success of hypertension therapy. The purpose of this study was to find out what factors can influence medication adherence in hypertensive patients. This type of research method is quantitative with a cross-sectional design. The total population is 1284, and the sample is 134 respondents. The sampling technique uses probability sampling with simple random sampling. Collecting data using a measuring instrument questionnaire with the interview method. The data analysis technique used was univariate and bivariate analysis with the chi-square statistical test. The results showed that 72 respondents (53.7%) had low medication adherence. There is a significant relationship between motivation to seek treatment (p= 0.046), level of knowledge about hypertension (p= 0.030), affordability of access to health services (p= 0.013), and family support (p= 0.009) with medication adherence. There is no relationship between the role of health workers (p=0.700) and medication adherence. Compliance with taking medication in the working area of the Kalideres District Health Center is still relatively low. For this reason, patients are expected to be more obedient in taking their medication so that other complications do not occur.